Meet the Commissioners - Factual
We chat to Commissioners about what's coming up next in their channels and what's they're on the lookout for in Factual Programming.
David Harron - BBC Scotland
Deirbhile Ní Churraighin - TG4
Eddie Doyle - BBC Northern Ireland
Fernando Ojea - Corporación Radio e Television de Galicia
Llinos Wynne - S4C
Mael Le Guennec - France 3 Bretagne (France Télévisions)
Michael O'Keeffe - Broadcasting Authority of Ireland
Seán Mac Giolla Phádraig - RTÉ
Deirbhile Ní Churraighin - TG4
Eddie Doyle - BBC Northern Ireland
Fernando Ojea - Corporación Radio e Television de Galicia
Llinos Wynne - S4C
Mael Le Guennec - France 3 Bretagne (France Télévisions)
Michael O'Keeffe - Broadcasting Authority of Ireland
Seán Mac Giolla Phádraig - RTÉ

Date & Time
Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM
Location Name
La Grande Salle